A knife, especially a fixed blade knife, is a must-have outdoor gear nowadays. They are helpful in any situation and often make your daily life more comfortable.
There are all kinds of knives out there from cheap to expensive, from fixed blade knives to folding knives as well as custom-made knives.
When purchasing a knife, it is vital not to select any fixed blade knife brand but the best one which produces a high-quality product to meet your requirements.
The brands noted below are the best fixed blade knife companies in this industry, and I can assure you that you will get the fixed blade knife that is top-notch and affordable at cost.
What Are the Best Fixed Blade Knife Brands in the World?
- Gerber
- Cold Steel
- Buck Knives
- Schrade
- Ontario
- Smith & Wesson
- Benchmade
These brands are discussed in detail below. But I have some other articles about fixed blade knives, you might be interested to read them. These are –
1. Ka-Bar

Their most famous knife is called KA-BAR Fixed Blade Knife and was introduced to the United States Marines during World War II in 1942. After improving the knife, it became part of the Marines fighting tools.
As the knife gained more popularity during World War, the Army and the Navy also adopted it. Even today, this knife is often the knife of choice for many people of service.
Apart from their fixed blade KA-BAR USMC Fighting, BRK, Becker BK, Black Tanto, Becker Crewman, Becker Companion, Becker Combat Bowie, Big Brother, TDI Law Enforcement knife, they offer a large variety of products, many of them made in the United States.
Folding knives and fixed blade knives are available in different designs while tactical, and combat knives are also among their products. Everything from low budget to more expensive blades, made of excellent quality materials, is available here – Best KA BAR Knives.
2. SOG

SOG Specialty Knives & Tools is a company founded in California in 1986. They gained success after recreating the SOG Combat Knife, which was used during the Vietnam War by a Special Ops unit. Ever since, the company has specialized in creating survival tools, folding and fixed blade tactical knives, and other multitools.
The top-selling SEAL series (SEAL Pup, SEAL Pup Elite, SEAL Strike, SEAL Team, SEAL Team Elite, Field) and Super Bowie Knife are some of the best SOG fixed blade knives. They also offer the SOG Instinct, Ace, Gambit Sheepsfoot EDC fixed blade knives.
However, the average SOG knife tends to have a more aggressive touch and is meant to be used in survival or outdoor situations. The design of the SOG fixed blade knives ranges from high-end tactical knives and survival knives.
Also, SOG proudly calls the diamond pattern grip lines, which are very comfortable and ergonomic, one of their inventions.
3. Gerber

Gerber Gear is another gear and tool-making company that was founded in Oregon in 1939 and also focused on knives. Their fixed blade knives are made for a lower budget, which usually means that the knives are not on the high-end part of the quality spectrum.
However, Gerber has become a household name in the knife world, and due to their success can offer very well-crafted knives at an astonishingly low price. They offer a large variety of tactical fixed blade knives with a variety of accessories and different designs.
Gerber StrongArm, LMF II, Mark II, Bear Grylls Ultimate, Beer Grills Ultimate Pro – all these multifunctional fixed blade knives are popular for survival and combat purposes. For EDC you can also try Freeman or Ghoststrike.
Other tools produced by Gerber are of high quality. Overall, the company sells everything you will ever need for your outdoor activities. From fishing to camping, everything is offered at an affordable price.

ESEE is a reputable fixed blade knife manufacturing company that thoroughly tests every design in the field before production. They have been making knives since 1997.
All of their knives are manufactured in the United States by Rowen Manufacturing in Idaho Falls, Idaho. Most of their fixed blade knives have jungle survival features; those are not as big or thick as machetes and not as small as many sheath knives.
Since their knives are made from very high-quality materials, the price of their products is a bit higher than other brands of knives.
The best part is, each ESEE knife comes with a no-questions-asked warranty.
5. Cold Steel

Cold Steel Knife and Tool Company were founded in 1980 in California by Lynn Thompson. On the first look, Cold Steel is slightly different from other knife producers, because they offer so many different products that it might feel a little bit odd.
From the tactical knives to regular knives, such as folding combat knives or fixed blade hunting knives and outdoor knives, over spears to axes and tomahawks, they offer many different cutting and hunting tools on their website.
On a second look, however, Cold Steel uses high-quality materials and unique designs to produce fixed blade knives and sells them at a reasonable price.
Also, they list all the different types of steel they use and explain in detail the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Furthermore, this company is very innovative and frequently comes up with new items and designs.
6. Buck Knives

Buck Knives was founded in 1902 in San Diego California and, today has its headquarters in Idaho. Hoyt Buck, the founder, was eager to discover a new way to temper steel that holds an edge for quite a long.
Buck Knives has started out producing simple hunting knives that were strong and reliable. These best fixed blade Buck knives are still available today and sold under the Woodsman, Special, Pathfinder, General, Zipper, and Ranger Skinner models.
They may not look fancy or have extra functionalities, but their classic look is what often sets them apart from other knives. These knives are also made from one of the best worked 420HC steel in the industry which makes the blade last forever.
The probably most important thing to know about Buck Knives is that they put a lifelong warranty on each of their knives.
7. Schrade

Schrade is a knife company that has been owned by many different groups throughout its history. Today, they are owned by Battenfeld Technologies, which are mainly producing firearms and supplies.
Schrade does not only offer knives, but they also provide many other tools, such as gardening tools, sturdy tools, accessories, spears, and more.
The fixed knives are of good quality and sold for a low price. Schrade offers many different designs and types of knives, such as folding knives, fixed blade knives, and machetes.
8. Ontario

OKC, which is short for Ontario Knife Company, was founded in Upstate New York in Naples in 1889 and has been producing knives, other outdoor tools as well as kitchenware for over a century now. This company is not as famous as other knife makers, but it proudly produces its good quality knives in the United States.
Their fixed blade knives are aimed at a low-budget customer group but do not let you down with their excellent quality and designs. Their most popular fixed blade knife is the SP series, which is the best military knife of choice for many people.
Furthermore, they are producing knives mainly for the United States Army and are proud to call themselves an all-American company.
9. Smith & Wesson

Smith & Wesson was founded by Horace Smith and Daniel B. Wesson in Connecticut in 1852. The company found success during the Civil War, where their guns were used.
The company focuses on manufacturing different types of firearms, ammunition, and restraints, but they also offer gear, tools, and knives. Their knife production focuses on the average size folding and fixed blade tactical knives.
They offer good quality knives at an affordable price as their knives are produced mainly in China. Most of their knives have a partially serrated edge and are meant to be used in survival situations.
10. Benchmade

Benchmade was founded in 1988 in California with the aim of developing and manufacturing the best knives in the world. After moving their headquarters to Oregon City, Oregon, in 1996, they have stayed true to their promise and have been producing high-quality knives ever since.
Although Benchmade provides other gear and tools, the main focus lays in improving and customizing knives. Especially in the field of outdoor knives, Benchmade has become a leading manufacturer and household name.
Their most famous fixed blade knife to this day is the Benchmade – Bushcrafter, which has become recognized as one of the best fixed blade knives ever to be produced. This knife and others can also be customized and personalized on Benchmade’s website.
Furthermore, the company offers a lifelong warranty with free sharpening service as well as transparency to its customers with their virtual factory tour and, for example, by giving out information about their staff and production process.
Recommended Some Other Best Fixed Blade Knife Brands
- Morakniv
- Bark River
Final Verdict
When you choose a reputable brand to purchase any product or service, chances are you will not be deceived. From my personal experience in this context I can say, if you buy products from the above companies I recommend, you will never be cheated.
Also, I wrote an article based on the Fixed Blade Knife Safety Rules for Regular Users; check it out, hopefully, you will get a detailed idea about the safety issues you need to know when using a fixed blade knife.